V15Luxe Car Rentals is a trusted car rental service specializing in luxury &economy vehicles, offering affordable and reliable transportation solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the V15Luxe Car Rentals FAQ page, where we address your questions about our car rental services.

Here is a list of the qualifications you must meet to rent:

  1. Be at least 21 years old
  2. Have a valid (not expired) driver’s license
  3. Proof of Insurance and/or deposit payment
  4. Have a major credit card/debit card for purchase

All rental drivers are required to have Full Coverage Insurance.

  1.  Note: If a person not listed as an insured driver is found operating the vehicle, the renter assumes full liability for their actions.

The Security Deposit will vary depending on the vehicle, age of the renter, and/or their Motor Vehicle Record.

To make a reservation, click the vehicle that you wish to rent. This will take you to the reservation request page that will ask for your contact and billing information and the dates that you wish to reserve the vehicle. When you have completed this information, hit submit, and that will start the reservation process. At that time, you will receive a Reservation Request Email and one of our customer service representatives will be reaching out.

You may rent as long as you’d like. However, you will need to renew your contract every 30 days for long-term renters.